Registered Practice Details Hall Ecology Ltd Account Name: Hall Ecology Ltd Address: Sunningdale, Swine Lane, Coniston, East Yorkshire, HU11 4JX Website: Telephone: 07906879440 Services offered: Aquatic Survey, Habitat Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Bats Survey, Badgers Survey, Birds Survey, Dormice Survey, Great-crested Newts Survey, Otter Survey, Reptile Survey, Water Vole Survey, Habitat Management Planning, Habitat Creation and Restoration, BREEAM / Code for Sustainable Homes, Botanical Survey, Ecological Impact Assessment, Ecological Survey and Assessment, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Appropriate Assessment, Expert Witness, National Vegetation Classification (NVC), Environmental Education, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Ecological Clerk of Works, Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Project Management, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Protected Species Survey, Renewable Energy, Invasive Species Management, GIS / Digital MappingHabitat expertise: Terrestrial, Grassland/Meadows, Hedgerows, Woodlands, MontaneSpecies expertise: Plants, Deer, Trees, Badgers, White-clawed crayfish, Bats, Birds, Great crested newts, Amphibians, Reptiles, Water voles, Dormice, Otters, Barn Owls, BeaversLicences held: Low impact class licence (Great Crested Newts), Badgers, Bats, Dormice, Great crested newts, Otters, Water voles, White-clawed crayfish, Reptiles, Birds, Barn Owls, Low Impact Class Licence (Bats)
Account Name: Hall Ecology Ltd Address: Sunningdale, Swine Lane, Coniston, East Yorkshire, HU11 4JX Website: Telephone: 07906879440 Services offered: Aquatic Survey, Habitat Management, Stakeholder Engagement, Bats Survey, Badgers Survey, Birds Survey, Dormice Survey, Great-crested Newts Survey, Otter Survey, Reptile Survey, Water Vole Survey, Habitat Management Planning, Habitat Creation and Restoration, BREEAM / Code for Sustainable Homes, Botanical Survey, Ecological Impact Assessment, Ecological Survey and Assessment, Extended Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Appropriate Assessment, Expert Witness, National Vegetation Classification (NVC), Environmental Education, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Ecological Clerk of Works, Phase 1 Habitat Survey, Project Management, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal, Protected Species Survey, Renewable Energy, Invasive Species Management, GIS / Digital MappingHabitat expertise: Terrestrial, Grassland/Meadows, Hedgerows, Woodlands, MontaneSpecies expertise: Plants, Deer, Trees, Badgers, White-clawed crayfish, Bats, Birds, Great crested newts, Amphibians, Reptiles, Water voles, Dormice, Otters, Barn Owls, BeaversLicences held: Low impact class licence (Great Crested Newts), Badgers, Bats, Dormice, Great crested newts, Otters, Water voles, White-clawed crayfish, Reptiles, Birds, Barn Owls, Low Impact Class Licence (Bats)