Considering reptiles when designing Biodiversity Net Gain


Designing BNG? Join this webinar to learn about a new tool to design habitat creation and enhancement for BNG in ways that benefit reptiles.


England’s mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is achieved by following the Biodiversity Gain Hierarchy, and creating and enhancing wildlife-rich habitats. The statutory Biodiversity Metric is a tool to quantify BNG outcomes in terms of ‘habitat units’, although it is no substitute for the sound ecological principles that must underpin BNG designs and long-term habitat management and monitoring plans. Furthermore, there is no species-specific guidance for BNG designs to build on species mitigation and achieve BNG in ways that benefit species populations.
To address this gap, we developed a methodology for Ecologists to check whether habitats being enhanced or created for BNG are suitable for reptiles. We aimed to provide a tool that aligns with BNG habitat condition assessments to maximise the benefits of BNG for reptiles.
In this webinar, we will present the methodology and case studies on how the methodology can work in practice. While our methodology is specifically for reptiles, it has wide applicability for other species.

Who Should Attend?

Students, Early Careers and Established Practitioners

Knowledge Level

Suitable for all


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CIEEM Member Ticket 1 Free
Non Member Ticket 1 Free