QField for Ecologists and Environmental Practitioners


The maximum delegate number for the course has been lowered in order to ensure value and interactivity and as such if the button above says 'Add name to waiting list' then the course is fully booked.


This event introduces surveyors to QField, an open source mobile GIS mapper which works alongside the QGIS GIS program. The application allows for efficient electronic data capture in the field and can be used for habitat mapping as well as capturing species information.

We cover the key advantages of capturing habitat and species data electronically as well as considering equipment options. The first part of the event focusses on setting up projects in QGIS for transfer to QField, including the use of the QField Sync plugin. We demonstrate how to prepare basemaps, configure map themes and transfer projects to a mobile device for use in the field.

We then look at QField functionality on a mobile device (android 'phone or tablet), firstly indoors and then in the field. Field work will include capturing point, line and polygon data as well as editing data in the field.

Finally we will cover the transfer of field data back into a QGIS project.

To attend the event you MUST be a proficient QGIS user but prior experience of QField is not necessary.

The event will combine demonstration with exercises to consolidate learning. There will also be an outdoor session during which delegates can capture real data in the field.

IT equipment, including a PC or Mac (desktop or laptop) pre-loaded with QGIS and a smart phone or tablet running the Android operating system (version 5 or above) will be needed. The use of Apple mobile devices is not supported on this course.

Please note that there is extra time required outside of the course hours, to complete homework.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 26 November 2024 09:00 - 13:00
Session 2 27 November 2024 09:00 - 13:00
Session 3 29 November 2024 09:00 - 11:00

Who Should Attend?

Ecological Consultants, Wildlife Trusts, Land Managers, Rangers, Wardens, Statutory Agency staff, conservation practitioners, students, local authority staff.

Knowledge Level


Prior Knowledge

Good basic working knowledge of QGIS including the ability to carry out the following operations:
- Create projects from existing vector and raster data
- Symbolise layers
- Digitise points, lines and polygons

Learning Outcomes

  • List the advantages and disadvantages of capturing field data electronically.
  • List the equipment needed for electronic field capture.
  • Prepare a project in QGIS for transfer to QField.
  • Capture points, lines and polygons in the field using QField.
  • Edit attribute data and geometry in the field.
  • Transfer a field project to QGIS.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Price (€)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £179.00 €209.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £242.00 €283.00
When booking, please refer to our terms and conditions - CIEEM Booking Terms and Conditions.