Badger Impacts and Mitigation


This one-day training event (the second day of two days of badger training) provides a comprehensive introduction to assessing impacts on badgers, mitigation options, licence application preparation and procedures and implementation of mitigation measures.


Delegates will develop their knowledge through assessments of badger case studies, practice at completing badger licence forms and discussing the merits of a range of mitigation options. The culture is open with questions able to be asked anytime through the day. Badger queries can be sent to the tutor after the course.

Who Should Attend?

Developers, ecological consultants, local authority ecologists, local authority planners, students, environmental managers, wardens and rangers. No previous experience of badger work is required.

No previous experience of badger work is required.

Knowledge Level

Beginner - Intermediate

Prior Knowledge

The course fee includes refreshments throughout the day. Please bring your own packed lunch. There is a restaurant located within the reserve.

Learning Outcomes

  • Able to assess impacts on badgers
  • Selection of appropriate mitigation options
  • Understand licensing procedures
  • Write a badger licence application
  • Implement mitigation measures


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £135.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £195.00