Joint Wales and Ireland Webinar: Marine Bats


Bats and the Offshore Marine Environment between Ireland and Wales – Plugging the Empirical Data Gap


The aim of the presentation is to increase awareness and knowledge of the work being completed in Irish marine waters in relation to use of those waters by bat species and the potential for trans-boundary activity between Ireland and the United Kingdom.

An empirical data gap exists in relation to whether and how bats use the marine environment between Ireland and the United Kingdom. However, data is beginning to emerge. The presentation will summarise the emerging data from Irish marine waters and how this is informing the increasing use of the marine environment for renewable energy; particularly in light of the publication of Ireland’s first spatial plan for offshore renewables energy off the South Coast of Ireland (South Coast DMAP) earlier this year.

Rob is a professional ecologist with 24 years of environmental consultancy experience in private practice both in Ireland and the UK. He is the ecology lead on multiple, complex projects. Currently, these include the delivery of onshore and offshore renewables, transportation, electricity grid infrastructure and flood relief projects. This year, he has led the Appropriate Assessment of the first offshore spatial plan for offshore renewable energy in Irish marine waters (the South Coast DMAP) and the RPS team has also been advising on matters relating to bats and offshore renewables projects since 2020

Knowledge Level

Suitable for all


Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Price (€)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1
Non-Member 1 £5.00 €5.84