Grass identification and grassland ecology for habitat surveyors

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Uniquely, delegates will be sent specimens in advance of the course for keying out during the event and NHBS are pleased to provide the practical equipment and books needed on this innovative online course – ‘’ Supporting conservation is at the core of what we do, and projects like these are the valuable foundation for the future of conservation in the UK. We are delighted to have supplied a high-quality pocket lens and a copy of Grasses: a guide to identification using vegetative characters for each attendee.’’

The course will also cover classifying grasslands using both the Phase 1 and UK Habitat Classification methods.

We will also look at carrying out grassland condition assessments using the Natural England Statutory Biodiversity Metric method.

The event will be delivered by a combination of presentation, identification exercises and quizzes.

NHBS are pleased to sponsor this course as they are passionate about supporting the development of critical skills in ecology, including species identification. We hope that the innovative delivery model for this training and the provision of resources will help to make it accessible to a broad range of people looking to improve their botany.


This is an intensive 'kick-start' course for the complete novice covering the key 'must know' species of grass. We concentrate on the top 10 grass indicator species relevant to the Phase 1 and UK Habitat Classification survey methods. We also cover the differences between grasses, sedges and rushes. Much of the course focuses on vegetative grass identification - the easiest way to start with grasses.

The event is for beginners and no prior knowledge is required although an awareness of the Phase One Habitat Survey and UK Habitat Classification methods is desirable.

Uniquely, delegates will be sent specimens in advance of the course for keying out during the event. Complementary copies of the FSC guide: Grasses: A guide to identification using vegetative characters and hand lenses will be provided.

The course will also cover classifying grasslands using both the Phase 1 and UK Habitat Classification methods.

We will also look at carrying out grassland condition assessments using the Natural England Statutory Biodiversity Metric method.

The event will be delivered by a combination of presentation, identification exercises and quizzes.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 20 May 2024 9:00 - 12:00
Session 2 21 May 2024 9:00 - 12:00
Session 3 22 May 2024 9:00 - 12:00
Session 4 23 May 2024 9:00 - 12:00

Who Should Attend?

Ecological Consultants

Knowledge Level


Prior Knowledge

Familiarity with the Phase 1 habitat survey and UK Habitat Classification is desirable but not essential.

Learning Outcomes

  • Distinguish grasses from the sedge and rush families.
  • Describe the main characters used for grass identification.
  • Demonstrate the key vegetative characters used to identify grasses.
  • Identify several widespread ‘must know’ grass indicator species from a range of habitats
  • Classify a range of grassland habitats using the Phase 1 habitat survey and UK Habitat Classification methods
  • Assess the condition of a range of grassland habitats using the Natural England Statutory Biodiversity Metric method.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £257.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £404.00