Beaver Survey Methods and Mitigation


This course aims to build on previous knowledge of beavers in the UK and be able to find, identify and assess their field signs and impacts through a range of monitoring methods. In addition, feel confident with current beaver management techniques and associated licensing. This course will cover the below content:

- Protected status of beavers (England/ Scotland) [what legislation applies, what constitutes an offence, compliance]
- Range of monitoring techniques, when to use and data collection
- Focus on field signs and their interpretation
- Field sign survey data collection platforms
- Assessing beaver impacts, subjective and real impacts
- Impact scenarios across varying land-use / sectors
- The beaver management hierarchy
- Beaver management without a licence
- Tree protection
- Managing dams without licence
- Managing inactive burrows without a licence
- Licensable management measures
- When you need a licence and how to register
- Managing mature dams and application of mitigation techniques
- Managing burrows and lodges and food caches
- Beaver rescue
- Monitoring and reporting
- Preventative management / managing land for beavers

***Please note that this course is for those working in this sector / professional ecologists and they must have completed the Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification course (or one of the Natural England CL50 or CL51 courses) first***

Who Should Attend?

This course is open to those with some species knowledge / attended beaver ecology and field sign identification course, practitioners and those seeking to apply for a NE licence.

Knowledge Level


Learning Outcomes

  • - Interpret field signs and assess beaver impacts across a range of scenarios.
  • - Understand a range of monitoring methods and when surveys might be required
  • - Identify and prioritise potential conflicts.
  • - Outline a range of mitigation techniques, how they can be applied and when a licence would be required.
  • - Qualify to register in England for Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and/or CL52


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £142.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £205.00