Indicator Plants, Relationships and Habitats - beginners


Key areas to be covered are recognition of indicator plants, identification of different habitat types and understanding the relationships that exist between plants and fungi. Participants will learn how to identify habitat types and indicator plants and understand the role of botany within the ecosystem. Some plants will only grow in specific habitats, such as acid or basic soils, or within wet or dry conditions. We will explore different habitat types, such as calcareous limestone, acid heathland, moorland and bogs, neutral grassland, woodland and the marine environment. We will cover different indicator plants – e.g. plants that indicate soil or habitat conditions. We will explore Ellenberg Indicator Values and how these help to give an overall view of what each plant species needs in which to grow best. We will look at how plants grow and how they reproduce. We will cover mycorrhizal fungi and symbiotic relationships between plant species and their importance for biodiversity and also phytoremediation (of heavy metals and over-enrichment). Participants will also gain an understanding of the laws surrounding protected species and invasive plants.

This training is relevant to ecologists, conservation managers and biodiversity officers to understand the complex relationships and connections that exist within botany and to identify plants for their remedial potential. This course is suitable for beginners and will help professional ecologists or those just starting out to understand how plants grow, the specific habitats and conditions some plant species require and to recognise ‘indicator plant species’.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 16 May 2024 10:00 - 13:00
Session 2 17 May 2024 10:00 - 13:00

Who Should Attend?

land managers, local authority ecologists, conservation officers and licensing staff within SNCOs or NGOs, students, graduates, ecological consultants, environmental managers, wardens, ranger

Knowledge Level


Learning Outcomes

  • Identify human impacts (e.g. recreational pressure, pollution) on biodiversity and resolve constraints through remedial actions
  • Understand soil types, structure, nutrients, symbiosis and indicator plants.
  • Identify appropriate remedial actions to achieve positive outcomes for biodiversity (within legislative constraints).
  • Make assessment of species status (native/non-native and/or invasive/protected).
  • Use safe, biosecure and legal species handling techniques.
  • Recognise personal limitations and areas for development and seeking opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £142.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £205.00