An Introduction to Practical Rewilding


This course provides an introduction to rewilding in the UK context and how it can be applied at a variety of scales. Beginning with an overview of the history and different applications of the practice both in Britain and overseas, the course will focus on practical demonstration of rewilding within the three blocks under the Rewilding Coombeshead project, covering up to 400 acres of woodland and former pasture in Devon.

Early enhancement techniques will be showcased and demonstrated in the field, while focus will be given to the role of domestic livestock and reintroductions in rewilding projects, including both benefits and downsides and the management required. There will be the opportunity to visit a captive group of lynx to discuss the role of large predators and explore wild beaver wetlands and watch a family emerge from their lodge in the evening.

Time will be allocated to open discussion and debate, with the aim for delegates to come away with a more nuanced practical understanding of the opportunities rewilding presents and how they can be implemented on the ground.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 15 May 2025 10:00 - 17:00
Session 2 16 May 2025 10:00 - 17:00

The price of this course does not include accommodation. 

If you would like to book accommodation on site, then please use this link -  You can use TRAIN-DIS to receive a 15% saving on your booking. 

Who Should Attend?

Ecologists, conservation officers, local authority staff, landowners, smallholders, farmers, graduates, environmental managers, wardens, rangers

Knowledge Level

Beginner - Intermediate

Prior Knowledge

None required

Learning Outcomes

  • Have an understanding of the different definitions and applications of rewilding across the world and in the UK.
  • Know the different inputs that may be required at the start of a rewilding programme relative to local context.
  • Implement rewilding plans that are feasible within the limits of scale and legislation.
  • Design baseline surveys to monitor ecological responses to rewilding projects.
  • Understand the role and limits of livestock in rewilding projects from a practical perspective.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Price (€)
CIEEM Member - Early Bird
(Price valid from 02/12/2024 to 03/04/2025 inclusive)
1 £215.00 €252.00
Early Bird Non Member
(Price valid from 02/12/2024 to 03/04/2025 inclusive)
1 £362.00 €424.00
Please contact CIEEM if you need to discuss any accessibility requirements prior to booking as the field element may not ne suitable for those with mobility requirements.