Green Jobs For Nature Webinar with UK Youth 4 Nature (UKY4N) and CIEEM


If you're interested in a career that helps to restore nature and meet climate targets in the UK., this webinar is for you.


This webinar provides an introduction to a range of nature-based roles. This is your chance to hear from young professionals working in the nature-based sector and to find out what path they took to their current job, their top career tips and what they like about working in an ecological/environmental management role. There will be time for questions, so please come ready with your career related questions to hear top tips from the exciting lineup of speakers.

We have speakers from Voiz Academy, CIEEM - Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management, Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT), Carbon Trust and the Scottish Seabird Centre.

Diego Espinosa, Voiz Academy
Annie Robinson, Green Jobs for Nature, CIEEM
Cailtlin Turner, Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT)
Anaëlle Gómez - Carbon Trust
Eleri Williams - Scottish Seabird Centre

Who Should Attend?

Anyone who is interested in green jobs.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 Free
Non Member Ticket 1 Free