Good Practice for Biodiversity Net Gain: training for Local Planning Authority Ecologists


This course is primarily for Ecologists within Local Planning Authorities who are involved with the implementation of mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG). This course starts with the BNG Good Practice Principles and how the Principles can be applied in practice. The various roles of LPAs with regards to mandatory BNG are then explored, and how BNG can be central to Place Making especially given synergies between BNG and other local policy priorities. The course then sets out good practice for mandatory BNG throughout the planning system, from pre-app advice to the submission of a planning application, the discharge of BNG conditions and monitoring the implementation of BNG on-site and via habitat banks. This session includes reviewing BNG documents submitted for planning applications, as well as time for discussion and Q&A. This course does not cover details of legal requirements under mandatory BNG, or detailed technical training on BNG such as biodiversity metric calculations or designing BNG (please see other BNG training courses by CIEEM). This course does focus on good practice for mandatory BNG specifically for Ecologists within Local Planning Authorities.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 11 June 2024 14:00 - 17:00
Session 2 12 June 2024 14:00 - 17:00
Session 3 21 June 2024 14:00 - 17:00

Who Should Attend?

This course is primarily aimed at Ecologists within Local Planning Authorities (LPAs). We also anticipate that the course will be of interest to Planners and Place Makers within LPAs.

Knowledge Level


Prior Knowledge

A prerequisite of attending this training is to:

- Have foundational level understanding of the draft Statutory Biodiversity Metric, available at Statutory biodiversity metric tools and guides
- Have read and be familiar with government guidance on mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain, as a minimum this includes: DLUHC BNG Planning Practice Guidance Local authority guidance Developer step-by-step guidance Land manager step-by-step guidance The Biodiversity Net Gain Statutory Instruments explained Biodiversity Net Gain guidance
– What you need to know

Have watched and listened to the CIEEM’s webinars in January and February 2024 on mandatory BNG with Natural England and Defra:
- The statutory biodiversity metric
- mandatory BNG: the policy
- The watercourse biodiversity metric

Learning Outcomes

  • Have a working-level understanding of the BNG Good Practice Principles
  • Be able to undertake reviews of biodiversity metric calculations and Biodiversity Gain Plans
  • Be able to advise on good practice for mandatory BNG through the planning system, including interpreting national good practice guidance on BNG


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £142.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £205.00