Preliminary Ecological Appraisal Description This training course will provide delegates with an introduction to the process of Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA).The course will cover: • The purpose of PEAs• How to undertake an effective desk study• Setting the appropriate scope for a field survey to inform a PEA• The appropriate use of reference sources• Dealing with limitations• Making recommendations• A brief introduction to writing PEA Reports (note that this is covered in more detail in the ‘Ecological Report Writing’ course.)The course is delivered entirely online and therefore it will not cover, in detail, how to assess and map habitats, how to assess the likely presence of protected or notable species, and identification of invasive plant species. It is expected that those attending will have some existing knowledge of these topics, sufficient to allow them to understand practical application of the PEA process. Those without knowledge of these topics should consider attending other relevant CIEEM CPD courses before attending the PEA course. Please contact CIEEM for further guidance if you are unsure whether to attend or not. Sessions Session Date of session Session Times Session 1 10 October 2024 9:30 - 13:00 Session 2 11 October 2024 9:30 - 13:00 Who Should Attend? Those undertaking Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) (particularly consultants) and those reviewing PEA Reports written by others (particularly Local authority ecologists and Conservation officers within SNCOs or NGOs). The course will also be useful for graduates considering a career in ecology, provided that they have some existing field survey skills (as described above) and is a useful forerunner to our 'Developing Skills in Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA)' course. Knowledge Level Beginner - Intermediate Learning Outcomes Explain the purpose of Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA). Set out an appropriate scope of work for a PEA in different scenarios. Describe the practical approach to undertaking a PEA. Explain the difference between PEA and Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA). Make proportionate recommendations for design changes, further survey, mitigation and enhancement in different scenarios. Tickets Tickets Person(s) Price (£) CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £179.00 Non Member Ticket 1 £231.00