Ecological report writing


This training course will cover how to produce good quality ecological reports, for species and habitat surveys and Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), following CIEEM’s ‘Guidelines for Ecological Report Writing’ (part of the Technical Guidance Series).

The course will include workshops, group discussions, case studies and PowerPoint presentations, focusing on the following topics:

• Why high quality ecological reports are important and the consequences of poor quality reports
• Challenges faced in producing ecological reports
• Different types of ecological report, their purposes and target audiences
• Generic guidance on report structure and content
• Proportionality and ‘fit for purpose’
• Avoiding common pitfalls
• Tips on writing good reports

Attendees will be asked to review some example reports in their own time, and prior to the 2nd session (these will be sent out in advance of the course commencing).

Who Should Attend?

Those writing ecology reports (particularly consultants) and those reviewing reports written by others (particularly Local authority ecologists and Conservation officers within SNCOs or NGOs).

Participants should ideally have some experience of producing or reviewing professional reports.

Knowledge Level


Learning Outcomes

  • Identify poor quality reporting and the subsequent issues and problems that may arise as a result.
  • Explain why high quality ecological reports are important.
  • Apply generic guidance so that structure and content are sufficient to meet the aims and objectives of a standard survey report or a PEA.
  • Differentiate between different types of ecological report.
  • Avoid common pitfalls when preparing ecological reports.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Price (€)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £179.00 -
Non Member Ticket 1 £231.00 €270.00
CIEEM Member 1 - €209.00
When booking please refer to our  Booking Terms and Conditions - CIEEM Booking Terms and Conditions