Beavers and Development: Survey, impact assessment and mitigation Description The aim of this course is to equip those making or advising on planning applications and/or development work in areas where beavers might be present.The course will cover the below:- Protected status of beavers (England/ Scotland) [what legislation applies, what constitutes an offense, compliance]- If/when a survey might be needed and who should undertake it- Survey method and reporting- Assessing the effect of development on beavers- Avoidance, mitigation and compensation measures (including planners guide for protected species and development)- Complying with the biodiversity duty- When to apply for a development mitigation licence- Site management and developing a monitoring plan***Please note that this course is for those working in this sector / professional ecologists and they must have completed the Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification course (or one of the Natural England CL50 or CL51 courses) first *** Who Should Attend? Practioneers, local planning authorities, consultants, infrastructure, qualified ecologist and those seeking to apply for a NE licence. Knowledge Level Intermediate Learning Outcomes Survey methodology and interpretation of results Assessing the potential impacts of development on beavers Recognise when a licence is required for a development Designing mitigation and compensation methods for beavers Developing a post-development monitoring programme for beavers Tickets Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Member Ticket 1 £71.00 Non Member Ticket 1 £102.50