Tree Identification for Beginners


This one day course delivered as two online sessions across two days will cover identification of common native trees, including ancient and veteran trees, plus their role in helping to support native biodiversity. The course will also explore the many relationships that exist between trees, plant species, soil bacteria and fungi. This course will also cover threats to trees, such as disease, and also the importance of biosecurity to prevent spread of both pathogens and non-native species and plant disease. We will also look at laws relating to trees. This course is relevant to professionals or volunteers who work with, or want to work with, trees and woodlands.


Key areas to be covered are recognition and identification of common tree species, and the different habitats in which they grow best. The course will also cover the relationships that exist between trees and other organisms, such as soil bacteria and fungi. We will look at how trees grow and how they reproduce. We will cover epiphytes, mycorrhizal fungi and symbiotic relationships between tree species and their importance for biodiversity. Participants will also gain an understanding of the laws surrounding trees.

This training is relevant to ecologists, conservation managers and biodiversity officers to understand the importance of trees within the ecosystem and the complex relationships and connections that exist within woodland habitats. This course is suitable for beginners and will help professional ecologists or those just starting out to identify tree species, understand the threats that face trees, the specific habitats and conditions some trees species require and to recognise their importance in supporting biodiversity and for carbon capture and climate regulation.


Session Date of session Session Times
Session 1 06 March 2025 10:00 - 13:00
Session 2 07 March 2025 10:00 - 13:00

Who Should Attend?

Land managers, local authority ecologists, conservation officers and licensing staff within SNCOs or NGOs, students, graduates, ecological consultants, environmental managers, wardens, ranger

The course covers trees, habitats and laws in all parts of the UK.

Knowledge Level


Prior Knowledge

No prior knowledge required

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify tree species using appropriate tools and techniques
  • Understand taxonomy and classification of tree species
  • Make assessment of species status
  • Understand laws relating to trees
  • Understand relationships, threats, pests and diseases
  • Understand how trees support native biodiversity


Tickets Person(s) Price (£) Price (€)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £142.00 €166.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £205.00 €240.00