Indicator Plants of Woodland, Wetland, Heath and Acid Grassland


This one day beginner to intermediate level training course delivered by Ben Averis will equip delegates with the skills to be able to recognise which plant species are good indicators of various types of woodland, wetland, heath and acid grassland.

A majority of the day will be field based walking through the site looking at different kinds of woodland, wetland, heath and acid grassland, noting the important indicator species within them and discussing what those species tell us about the habitat’s ecology, management, etc.

There will be a question and answer time at end of day, though questions will also be welcome throughout the day.

Ben has over 35 years of experience of professional botanical survey and monitoring work in a wide range of habitats in Britain for a wide range of clients including government agencies, conservation charities and ecological consultancies.

Who Should Attend?

Land managers, local authority ecologists/planners, conservation officers, students, ecological consultants, environmental managers, wardens, rangers and anyone else with an interest in vegetation and habitats.

Knowledge Level

Beginner - Intermediate

Prior Knowledge

No prior knowledge is required.

Learning Outcomes

  • Know a good range of plant species that are good indicators of various types of woodland, wetland, heath and acid grassland.
  • Be able to accurately identify those species.
  • Understand more about the ecology of those species.
  • Understand more about variation within each of woodland, wetland, heath and acid grassland.
  • Understand more about vegetation classification in general.


Refreshments will be provided throughout the day. Please bring your own packed lunch.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member Ticket 1 £135.00
Non Member Ticket 1 £195.00