Beaver Survey Methods and Management


This one day course aims to build on previously gained knowledge of beavers in Scotland, England and Wales. By the end of the course you will be able to find, identify and assess their field signs and impacts through a range of monitoring methods. In addition, you will feel confident with current beaver management techniques and associated licensing.

This course will cover the below content:
• Protected status of beavers (England/ Scotland) [what legislation applies, what constitutes an offence, compliance]
• Range of monitoring techniques, when to use and data collection
• Focus on field signs and their interpretation
• Field sign survey data collection platforms
• Assessing beaver impacts, subjective and real impacts
• Impact scenarios across varying land-use / sectors
• The beaver management hierarchy
• When you need a beaver licence, how to register and licensable activities
• Beaver mitigation not requiring a licence
• Beaver mitigation that requires a licence
• Emergency animal movement and cadaver transportation
• Monitoring and reporting
• Managing for beaver presence

***Please note that this course is for those working in this sector / professional ecologists and they must have completed the Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification course (or one of the Natural England CL50 or CL51 courses) first***

The course will consist of a morning and afternoon classroom session with a lunch break. Both sessions will be based around PowerPoint presentations with interactive quizzes, Q&A sessions and group workshops.

Please note that this course is one in a series of three courses led by Beaver Trust and accredited by Natural England. Evidence of completing this course can be used to register for the Natural England’s Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and CL52. The first course in this series “Beaver Ecology and Field Signs” and may also be completed as evidence to register for the Natural England’s Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and CL52.

The third course in this series is “Beavers and Development: Survey, impact assessment and mitigation”. This is a 3 hour online course. We recommended completing this course (“Beaver Survey Methods and Management”) and “Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification” before attending the third course.

Who Should Attend?

This course is open to those:
• With previous species knowledge
• who have attended the CIEEM Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification course
• who have attended the Mammal Society’s Beaver Ecology and Conservation training
• beaver practitioners
• seeking to apply for a Natural England class licence.

We would highly recommend attending the CIEEM beaver ecology and field sign identification course before booking this course.

Knowledge Level


Prior Knowledge

This course is for those working in this sector / professional ecologists and they must have completed one of the following before attending this course:
• Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification course
• Mammal Society’s Beaver Ecology and Conservation training
• One of the Natural England CL50 or CL51 courses

Learning Outcomes

  • Interpret field signs and assess beaver impacts across a range of scenarios.
  • Understand a range of monitoring methods and when surveys might be required
  • Identify and prioritise potential conflicts.
  • Outline a range of management techniques, how they can be applied and when a licence would be required.
  • Qualify to register in England for Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and/or CL52


Please provide your own packed lunch.

If you would like to book accommodation on site, you can view and book this at Rewilding Coombeshead. They also offer a discount for delegates of 15% with the discount code TRAIN-DIS.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member - Early Bird
(Price valid from 11/12/2024 to 22/05/2025 inclusive)
1 £121.00
Early Bird Non Member
(Price valid from 11/12/2024 to 22/05/2025 inclusive)
1 £184.00