Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification


This one-day course is delivered by Beaver Trust staff- a nature restoration charity, established in September 2019. The course leaders with their expertise in conservation, ecology and land management will provide a comprehensive exploration of the Eurasian beaver and its return to Britain's waterways.


This course will aim to provide a good understanding of Beavers as a species in the UK including their ecology, habitat requirements, field signs and current status and protection. The below will be covered in the course content:

- Introduction to the species
- General biology and behaviours
- General ecology and habitat requirements
- Detail range of field signs – foraging, shelter, habitat modifications
- Group work on field sign identification
- Field sign misidentification
- Legal status of beavers and level of protection
- Beaver licensing and when required (Scotland and England relevant)

The course will consist of a morning classroom session, a lunch break and then an afternoon session exploring the venue’s local beaver habitat to identify beaver field signs.

Please note that this course is the first in a series of three courses led by Beaver Trust and accredited by Natural England. Evidence of completing this course can be used to register for the Natural England’s Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and CL52. The second course in this series “Beaver Survey Methods and Management” must also be completed as evidence to register for the Natural England’s Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and CL52.

We recommend completing this course before completing “Beaver Survey Methods and Management”.

The third course in this series is “Beavers and Development: Survey, impact assessment and mitigation”. This is a 3 hour online course. We recommended completing this course (“Beaver Ecology and Field Sign Identification”) and “Beaver Survey Methods and Management” before attending the third course.

Who Should Attend?

This course is open to all with a general interest in this species and practitioners and those seeking to apply for a Natural England licence.
It maybe of interest to:
• Mammal enthusiasts
• Conservation officers and licensing staff within SNCOs or NGOs
• Students
• Graduates
• Conservation / Rewilding project staff
• Ecological consultants
• Environmental managers
• Wardens / Rangers
• Developers
• Industrial operators and land managers
• Local authority ecologists and planners

Knowledge Level

Beginner - Intermediate

Prior Knowledge

No previous experience or knowledge is required. This is an introductory course to Beaver biology, ecology and conservation. It is a very detailed course and includes British relevant examples that should be highly informative to those with an intermediate beaver knowledge.

***Please note that this course is an introductory course for:
a) People wishing to undertake beaver surveys and impact assessments to inform development, planning controls and licensing. Dates and locations for the follow-up course “Beavers and Development: Survey, impact assessment and mitigation” will be confirmed soon, please keep an eye on the Training and Events page

b) People wishing to register for the Natural England’s Beaver Management Class Licences CL51 and CL52. Evidence of completing the following course will also be required to qualify for registration: “Beaver Survey Methods and Management” ***

Learning Outcomes

  • Describe beaver ecology and behaviours.
  • Recognise beaver habitat requirements.
  • Identify and age a range of beaver field signs and interpret habitat use.
  • Know the current protection status and when a licence may be required.


Please bring your own packed lunch

If you would like to book accommodation on site, you can view and book this at Rewilding Coombeshead. They also offer a discount for delegates of 15% with the discount code TRAIN-DIS.


Tickets Person(s) Price (£)
CIEEM Member - Early Bird
(Price valid from 11/12/2024 to 21/05/2025 inclusive)
1 £121.00
Early Bird Non Member
(Price valid from 11/12/2024 to 21/05/2025 inclusive)
1 £184.00